2024-04-04 10:00:52 來(lái)源:中國(guó)教育在線
雅思 口語(yǔ)話題之family
1.How many people are there in your family?
There are four. There's myself of course. Then there's my younger brother, he's fifteen years old. And I have my mother and father who are both in their late 70s. I have two grand parents as well, but they don't live with us.
2.Can you Tell me something about your family?
Well, I've got two older sisters and one younger brother, so I'm right in the middle. My mum and Dad are divorced and they're remarried. So, actually I have quite a lot of stepbrothers and stepsisters, so there are quite a few of us.
3.What kind of things do you and your family do together?
There’s a lot of thing that we do together. My whole family always gather at dinner and discuss various types of stuff. I often take advice on important things from my parents, and sometime my little brother too.
4.Do you prefer to spend time with your family or with your friends?
If I were to choose between the two, I’ll go with my family because in many ways, my family are my friends and they are the ones who will stay with me all my life, whereas I don’t actually meet my friends very often, you know although yeah sometimes I have more fun with my friends because they are closer to my age.
5.How are you getting on with your parents?
If you asked me that question when I was at junior high, it would be totally different point of view. I mean, my parents, they had a list of things that they thought I need to become, and that I need to better myself and all, always compared me to another kids but it’s just like the story of the last decade.
You should say:
- where and when this event took place
- what you did (or, what happened at this event)
- who was there at this event
and explain why this event was enjoyable.
Part 3
Do you think families are (or, the family is) important?
Do you think growing up in a family today is the same as it was several decades ago?
Have there been any changes in the attitudes of parents towards their children over the past 20 or 30 years?
Do you think the way parents today treat their children is the same as in the past?
What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages for a child to grow up in a big family?
In a family, who do you think plays the more important role, the mother or the father (the wife or the husband)?
Do you think it’s possible that, in the future females will be making the major decisions in the home?
Do you think there are any advantages to having a grandparent living with the family?
In general, do you think having old people and young people living together creates conflict (or, problems)?
Family Celebrations
What family celebrations do you have in your country?
What happens at these celebrations?
Some people hold family gatherings once a year where many extended family members get together. Do you think that’s a good idea?
One of the happiest events in my life was when my family and I went to the Aquarium in Dalian. It is the biggest and most spectacular aquarium in Asia.
I was nine at the time and had had a very bad summer holiday that year, since I had to stay home for most of the break because I broke my leg. My Mom and Dad did not tell me about the trip until week before we left. When they first told me I did not believe them, but they finally convinced me that we were really going. The day before we left I could hardly sleep because I was so excited. We had done a lot of packing and preparing, but I still did not feel sleepy. Eventually when I did drift off, I had a dream about riding a dolphin. It took us about ten hours by train to get to Dalian. When we got there we got settled in our hotel and then had dinner.
The next day we got up very early and headed for the Aquarium. We saw so many different kinds of beautiful fish, exciting shows, and listened to interesting stories from the tour guides. My favorite was the dolphin show. The entertainers rode on the dolphin’s backs, and one entertainer even got flipped high into the air from a dolphin’s nose. I love my parents so much for giving me such a special opportunity and memories that I will cherish all of my life.
To talk about an artwork, I couldn’t help thinking a handicraft, which was made by myself. Haha. Can I call it an artwork?
It is a scarf I made for my boyfriend.
When I was in university, my classmates were crazy about knitting things. They bought a lot of books and materials for knitting, and everyday after class, they would stay in the dormitory and knit happily. At very beginning, I was not keen to it, and thought it was boring and troublesome. But when I saw their works, I felt jealous and began to join their team.
The scarf I made was white, simple and a little bit ugly, but really useful. My boyfriend appreciated me very much.
Knitting is a kind of folk artwork in china, which is popular by women in southern china. In the past, like 20 years ago, almost every woman knows how to knit and they will do it in their spare time. A lot of daily things, such as gloves, scarves, and sweaters, even socks were made by women. People didn’t used to buy them at all.
However, it is getting less and less popular, because of the fast development of machines and the greater pressure on the shoulders of women. Nowadays, only a few women especially the elder ones will do it in their spare time, which is really pitiful.
sth you bought because you watched its advertisement
You should say:
What did this advertising promote?
Where did you see this?
What was the content of it?Why do you think it is impressive?
About a couple of months ago I saw an advertisement on the internet for a special pair of running shoes. It was the picture that caught my attention first because the shoes looked very different from normal running shoes. They were designed like a pair of gloves for your feet, if you know what I mean.
They were made from a special 'breathable' material and had a synthetic sole grafted onto the body so that they fitted like a glove on your foot, but the bottom was quite similar to a normal running shoe so that it gripped well and provided protection for your feet.
Unlike a normal running shoe each toe was separate. It was really strange to see something like that because I had just been wondering a few weeks earlier why someone hadn't invented a running shoe like this before - and then a couple of weeks later by pure coincidence I came across them on the internet. I wasn't even looking for them or anything.
Anyway, the ad was basically a 360 degrees color photo of the shoes, showing them from all angles and some technical and product information about them. There was also a video that was maybe 3 or 4 minutes long and showed a runner going up a rocky hill and the video explained how these running shoes allowed the runner to 'feel' more of the ground underneath his feet and grip better because of the flexing motion of the bottom of the shoes.
It was more an informative ad than anything arty or creative, but it made me want to buy the shoes because I hadn't seen them before and I wanted to try them, so I ordered a pair in my size and they arrived a couple of days later. I've tried them out a couple of times so far and they seem really good. They cost me just a little bit more than some of the normal running shoes, but I think they're worth the extra money. The running experience is quite different from normal and personally I prefer it.